Thank you to our
2024 LEGACY Member Contributors
Dr. Curt Coffman
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Thank you to our
2024 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Dr. Cynthia Bell
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Paul Hobson
Dr. Stephen Juriga
Dr. Kenneth Lee
Dr. Milinda Lommer
Dr. Katherine Queck
Dr. Gonzalo Erdozain
Dr. Bonnie Shope
Thank you to our
2023 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. Larry Baker
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Dr. Jan Bellows
Dr. Ian Bishop
Dr. Randi Brannan
Dr. Glen Brigden
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
Dr. Susan Crowder
Dr. William Gengler
Jay Haenert
Dr. Paul Hobson
Dr. Stephen Juriga
Dr. Kenneth Lee
Dr. Angela Mees
Dr. Bonnie Shope
Thank you to our
2022 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. Briana Mirchel
Dr. Paul Hobson
Dr. Erich Rachwitz
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Dr. Jan Bellows
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Dr. Susan McTaggart
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
Robert Manne
Dr. Glenn Brigden
Dr. Stephen Juriga
Jay Haenert
The Pet Dentist at Tampa Bay
Dr. Bonnie Shope
The following 2021 VDF Speakers
have generously donated their honorariums back to the Foundation.
Dr. Jean Battig
Dr. Cindy Bell
Dr. Curt Coffman
Dr. Wade Gingerich
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Dr. Kevin Haggerty
Dr. Danielle Heberle
Dr. Heidi Lobprise
Dr. Sandra Manfra
Dr. Todd McCoy
Andrew Schultz
Dr. Kevin Stepaniuk
Carol Weldin
Thank you to our
2021 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Stephen Juriga
Dr. Glenn Brigden
Dr. Janet Houghton
Dr. Gary Modrcin
Dr. Jan Bellows
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
The Pet Dentist at Tampa Bay
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Dr. Kenneth Lee
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Dr. R Michael Peak
Thank you to our
2020 Titanium Member Contributors/Donors
Dr. Stephen Juriga
Dr. Janet Houghton
Dr. Paul Hobson
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Dr. Gary Modrcin
Dr. Erich Rachwitz
Dr. Angela Mees
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
Dr. Curt Coffman
Dr. Katherine Queck
Dr. Sue McTaggart
Dr. Jan Bellows
Dr. David Hansen
Carol Weldin
Dr. Fraser Hale
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Dr. R. Michael Peak, The Pet Dentist at Tampa Bay
The following 2020 VDF Speakers
have generously donated their honorariums back to the Foundation.
Dr. Kevin S Stepaniuk
Dr. Eric M Davis
Dr. Heiki Lobprise
Dr. Kevin Stepaniuk
Dr. Sandra Manfra-Marretta
Dr. Kendall Taney
Ms. Mary Berg
Thank you to our
2019 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Dr. Rick McFarland
Dr. Ashley Oakes
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Erich Rachwitz
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
Dr. Gary Modrcin
Dr. Janet Houghton
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Dr. Scott Linick
Dr. Katherine Queck
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Dr. Susan McTaggart
The following 2018 VDF Speakers
have generously donated their honorariums back to the Foundation.
Dr. Sandra Manfra-Marretta
Dr. Robert Baratt
Dr. Cindy Bell
Dr. Danny DeRose
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Robert Furman
Thank you to our
2018 Titanium Member Contributors
Dr. Donnell Hansen
Dr. Barden Greenfield
Dr. Scott Linick
Dr. Jan Bellows
Dr. Barron Hall
Dr. Cindy Charlier
Dr. Richard McFarland
Dr. Susan McTaggart
Dr. Katherine Queck
Dr. Jamie Anderson
Dr. Janet Houghton
Dr. Curt Coffman
Dr. Erich Rachwitz
Dr. Josephine Banyard
Dr. Kate Knutson
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City
The following 2017 VDF Speakers
have generously donated their honorariums back to the Foundation.
Dr. A. Amimoto
Dr. Brett Beckman
Dr. Curt Coffman
Dr. William Gengler
Dr. Toru Gotanda
Dr. William Kellner
Thank you to our
2017 Titanium Member Contributors
Arizona Veterinary Dental Specialists
Dr. Richard McFarland
Dr. Susan McTaggart
Dr. Mike Overend
Dr. Jan Bellows
Dr. Jamie Anderson
Companion Animal Dentistry of Kansas City